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Lower school students run with a cheerleader out of the inflatable eagle at the Second Baptist School football game.
SBS high school girls pose with lower school students carrying a banner in honor of EagleFest.
SBS lower school students parade around campus waving American flags as they pray for our country.
Head of Lower School at SBS holds open the door greeting families as they arrive for the first day of school.
Second Baptist School parent chats with a student in the classroom.
Middle school teacher at SBS smiles watching students in the hallway.
Middle school students at SBS work on their laptops during class.
Head of Schools at Second Baptist Dr. Don Davis honors Head of Lower School Rita Herring in Chapel.

Thank You For Partnering with Us

As a caring community of believers the Second Baptist School family is dedicated to serving others through time, talents and treasures. We are thankful for your support as we remain steadfast in our passion to bring all students into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Big 3

Second Fund, Distinguished Speaker Luncheon and EagleFest play an integral part in maintaining and improving the SBS tradition of excellence. Each of these giving events raise much-needed funds for the school and allow opportunities for parents, grandparents, alumni, foundations, corporations and friends to partner with us as we shape the lives and education of our students. Because of the generosity of our community’s time and resources, Second Baptist School is fortunate to support our faculty and cultivate programs in professional development, academicsartsathletics and technology, thus enhancing the experience of each student on a daily basis.

Additional Ways to Give

Meet the Advancement Team

Dyanne Kimmel

Dyanne Kimmel

Director of Advancement
Ronda Harder

Ronda Harder

Advancement Annual Giving Officer
Barbara "Barb" Schroeder

Barbara "Barb" Schroeder

Advancement Event Coordinator
Natalie Rickaway

Natalie Rickaway

Advancement Event Coordinator
Jackie  Reid

Jackie Reid

Merchandise Coordinator
Megan Engelbrecht

Megan Engelbrecht

Systems Specialist, Office of Advancement
Erin Rushing

Erin Rushing

Alumni Relations Coordinator