Instrumental Music
Play Your Purpose
The instrumental music department at Second Baptist School instills the gift of music to every student in the program. Students learn to express and develop their musical talents to the highest possible levels, encouraged to reach high standards of excellence. Beginning with seventh grade, the instrumental music program helps students develop musical repertoire and reading skills in specific instruments. Students are encouraged to think critically and lead courageously through music. Through band, they also learn how to live and interact with a biblical lens, performing for the glory of God. The bands perform in many campus activities including football and basketball games, pep rallies, Chapel and concerts. Students compete at the district and state levels by participating in TMEA All-State Band auditions.
All Area Honor Band Students (2021)
All Region Honor Band Students (2021)
Junior High All Region Honor Band Students (2021)
All Region Honor Band Students (2020)
All Area Honor Band Students (2020)
Students Junior High Honor Band (2020)