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Choral Music

Sing your song

The choral music department at Second Baptist School has a rich history of excellence and growth. Choir students learn techniques of singing while developing confidence in performance and competition. Choir is a unique opportunity for students to learn to express themselves through singing. As students grow, they are able to take musical foundations built in lower school and develop their singing skills and range throughout middle and upper school. An important goal of the program is for all students to become active participants in musical worship. Students have opportunities to perform in multiple concerts throughout the school year, collaborate with theatre program musicals and compete in TMEA with musicians across the state.

Photo of choir students and director during the Fall Concert.

TMEA Competition Results 22-24


TMEA State




TMEA Pre-Area

Choral Music Courses

Becky Martin

"I love helping students find their voice. As I teach these students to sing, I instill a love of choral music by helping them develop the skills and talents entrusted to them by their Creator."

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Our Choral Music Team

Rebekah "Becky" Martin

Rebekah "Becky" Martin

Middle and Upper School Director of Choral Music