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Theatre Takeaways from the Fall Drama

Theatre Takeaways from the Fall Drama

This year, An Evening of One-Acts featured three one-act plays, Little Women, Thanks, Awfully! and Check Please: Take 3. From laughter to tears, these three shows had it all! Audiences were impressed by the range of talent demonstrated by these savvy actresses, actors and crew.

Performed in the C Gym Theatre, students love the tradition of our on-campus shows. Kendall Felton ‘22, who played Marmee in Little Women, said, “The C Gym Theater is very nostalgic, bringing us back to our roots of the middle school musical. Most every performer at SBS has performed on this stage, and it makes for a special tradition.”

Not only is the arts program a family, but anyone can participate; you don’t have to be an actor or a singer to be a part of a program. Cast member Jack Prothro ‘22 said, “Everyone can find a role, whether it’s being on stage, doing makeup or serving as crew.” He added, “In the arts, you really discover who you are and Mrs. Blades helps you discover that.”

Cindy Blades has been directing theatre at Second Baptist School since the first show in 1981. Joined by Claire Westmoreland as assistant director in 2007 and Mary Paige Harris ‘13 as a production assistant in 2019, this team effort significantly impacts our students. Mrs. Blades shared, “Students collaborate to achieve a work that is much bigger than themselves. The relationships formed in theatre both in class, rehearsals and performing on the stage are profound. Our hope is for them to form a deep respect for each other as they seek to use their God-given talents to glorify our Lord and Savior, the Giver of our creative gifts and abilities.”

We asked some of our talented theatre students what their biggest takeaways were from the fall drama and the theatre program at SBS. 

Senior Kelsey Burns said the arts program is both a family and a team. The greatest takeaways she received from participating in the fall drama were self-confidence and self-awareness. “When you are on the stage, you are a part of a team, and it’s important you operate and perform as such.” 

“My biggest takeaway with being part of theatre at SBS is the lessons Mrs. Blades constantly teaches us. Even though many of them are about theatre, they always relate to everyday life too,” said Samuel Ireland ‘23. He added, “The highlight of this year’s production for me was being able to watch the other shows and listen to everyone laugh at both of them.”

Crew member Geneva Hudson ‘24 said, “Being on the crew was a ton of fun because we were part of the production in a way that people never really think about. I learned so much from working with everyone in the cast and crew and had so much fun! It is really meaningful to be part of the behind-the-scenes experience and watch the shows come together.”

“My biggest takeaway from theatre has been to try new things. I’ve learned not to be afraid of being spontaneous because there is so much you can miss if you allow yourself to be controlled by overthinking and fear that something could go wrong,” said senior Grace Lundsford.

Bravo, theatre students, for another fabulous show!