Tale as Old as Time
It’s a tale as old as time. The kind-hearted and beautiful girl from a small town gets swept up in adventure, romance and magic. Finding unlikely friends in the form of enchanted furniture and silverware, the girl ends up falling in love, saving her father and, ultimately, restoring the entire enchanted castle. The ever familiar and beloved Beauty and the Beast was portrayed last weekend by the Second Baptist School theatre program and they brought the magic.
“We are so proud of this amazing group of students from the ensemble to the leads, from the crews to the stage manager, from the sound engineer to the assistant director, from the dance captain to the deputy stage manager; everyone put forth their best,” said Director of the Arts Cindy Blades. “This show came together and ran like a well-oiled machine. The characterizations, vocal performances, choreography and scenic changes were nothing short of amazing. Thank you to the excellence the entire company sought for each performance. So many parent volunteers, accommodating teachers, cast and crew members worked tirelessly to achieve this incredible display of God-given talents."
Everything from set design to French accents were meticulously prepared and rehearsed to create a magical world in the Dunham Theatre at HBU. The actors, crew, parent volunteers and staff who poured their heart into the show saw something extraordinary happen right before their eyes – they were transported to a little French village and enchanted by a cast of characters so welcoming, the whole audience felt like special guests.
“The biggest preparation I had to do for my role was taking voice lessons,” said Carol Ellis ’20 who portrayed Mrs. Potts. “Mrs. Westmoreland set me up with a voice teacher this past June and I took voice lessons with him up until a few weeks before the show.” She continued, saying, “I had a difficult time at first trying to model after a mom-figure but Mrs. Blades really helped me with that. She really helped me make the role my own.”
The SBS theatre program is unparalleled in how it touches nearly every student and every part of the school. This program doesn’t just produce amazing shows, it also produces remarkable student leaders. With a philosophy of Christ-centered educational excellence, students who are part of this program learn how to think critically and problem solve as they work through scripts and blocking and stage transitions. They work collaboratively so that all aspects of the production are seamless. From lighting and props to makeup and costumes, it is evident these students have created a unique bond. Even as they stretch themselves and learn how much they are capable of, their confidence grows to set them up for success.
“The theater program has been one of my favorite parts about SBS,” said Ellis ‘20. “Mrs. Blades and Mrs. Westmoreland truly care for us so much, and they have helped me grow a lot. Theatre has also given me a sense of confidence that I don’t think I could have found anywhere else.”