Servant Leaders Make an Impact
SBS middle school leadership opportunities empower young people to serve their community and school through acts of service, encouragement, school spirit, faith and by example. The ultimate goal is to live out the SBS mission, strengthen the Second Baptist School community and develop leadership qualities in each student.
In hopes of doing just that, the middle school Service Committee was formed. The Service Committee is a group of eager student leaders in middle school who all indicated that they wanted to lead in the area of service. The committee itself was not elected, but they elected two leaders amongst themselves, Titus Brown ‘27 and Timothy McCay ‘26.
On November 18, the middle school Service Committee put together a breakfast for all the SBC/SBS workers. This group of over 80 employees keeps our campus operational 24/7, allowing for SBS students, families, teachers and administrators to thrive. They deemed this the Thankful Service Project.
According to middle school teacher Ana Konuma, “Our buildings are full of very special people who work long hours each day in order to keep our campus tidy, safe and running for all of us. With this project, we want to say ‘thank you’ and let them know they are part of our team.”
This service project was a collaborative team effort. Students in Sarah Batista's Spanish class wrote thank you cards in Spanish for the team members who prefer to read in Spanish. During advisory, fifth grade students wrote thank you cards in English for the team members who prefer to read in English. The middle school Service Committee set up all of the tables and food and the special guests attending the breakfast.
According to Oliver Dawley ‘27, “Planning for the project and executing it was fairly easy, but finding the employees around the school who were unable to attend and still making sure they received breakfast was more challenging. In the end, we were able to find and serve everyone including groundskeepers, police officers and cleaning staff.”
This student-driven opportunity to give back and serve speaks volumes about the caring community at SBS and the ways in which our students are learning to live biblically and lead courageously. Kambell Crites ‘26 shared, “This project made a big impact on me and proved how a little gesture can go a long way. It pointed me towards the strength of a community built on Christ. I am grateful for the opportunity to tangibly serve and lead in my school.”
These students also felt the joy that comes from living biblically and serving without expectation of recognition. Lizze Craig ‘28 added, “This initiative filled me with joy and made me feel blessed to be a blessing.”
Ana Konuma concluded, “I am grateful for our middle school administrative team who supported the service project since day one. Thanks to them, our students can dream big and lead courageously in their community.”
‘21-‘22 Middle School Service Committee
Titus Brown ‘27
Elizabeth Craig ‘28
Oliver Dawley ‘27
Reed Elliott ‘28
Morgan Kim ‘27
Harrison Knape ‘28
Timothy McCay ‘26
Hannah Modisette ‘27
Joshua Rhames ‘26
Harper Womble ‘28
Kambell Crites ‘26
Sarah Cela ‘26