Rain or Shine, it’s EagleFest Time
On the final day of the school year, you could feel the excitement as students and parents arrived on campus in their EagleFest t-shirts, with umbrellas and raincoats in hand. A last minute weather adjustment moved the parade inside, but the excitement was palpable as students were dismissed to line up by grade level. You could hear chants and laughter fill the Worship Center Narthex! The Cunningham family and SBS Advancement Fellows led the way to the E Gym in the traditional EagleFest parade. One at a time, each grade level was recognized before they entered. Once the final group that included seniors and PK/Bridge students, the “Alpha and Omega,” entered the gym, EagleFest Chairman Kristi Callaway and her son proclaimed, “Let the games begin!”
Game after game, both blue and gold teams fought hard for the coveted EagleFest Spirit Champion title. From tug-o-war and crab soccer, to three-legged races and flag tag, there was not an Eagle who left the gym without a fight. In the end it was GOLD who was named this year’s champion!
At the conclusion of the games, SBS families made their way to the Fellowship Hall for lunch. Lunch didn’t last long, because students were eager to enjoy the carnival and sun! What had been a long, wet and dreary week, turned into a beautiful day for outdoor fun. Families ran from one ride to the next, stopping occasionally by a delicious food truck and the General Store. Upper school students spent their time in two highly competitive Powder Puff games. First, the boys competed in volleyball, where the juniors walked away victorious. Following the indoor match, the girls took to the SBS Athletic Fields for football. Despite the mid-game downpour that cleared much of the stands, the girls fought hard and in the end the juniors came out on top, claiming this year’s Power Puff championship.
The carnival was enjoyed by all until the rain couldn’t hold off any longer, marking the conclusion of the fifteenth annual EagleFest. Thank you, SBS families, for contributing to the B. Jane Hursey Faculty Endowment Fund through your participation in this exciting day. Because of you, SBS is able to continue recruiting talented and competitive teachers to train our students to think critically, live biblically and lead courageously.
Thank you to the EagleFest Committee and Advancement Team for making EagleFest 2021 a huge success!
- General Chairman - Kristi Callaway
- Auction Chairmen - Malaika Mukoro, Kelli Peacock
- Underwriting Chairman - Kristen Davis
- Blue/Golden Competition Chairman - Lacy Cunningham
- Picnic Chairman - Terri Turner-Smith
- Fellowship Party Chairmen - Janaye Gardner, Olivia Wolcott
- Memory Book Chairman - Traci George
- Promotional Chairman - Nancy Scales
- Director of Advancement - Dyanne Kimme
- Advancement Team - Jamie Coons, Ronda Harder, Brooke McGhee, Nancy Merritt, Barb Schroeder, Courtney Tauber, Marlo Wise