New #SBSfamily Members: Part 2
What is the #SBSdifference? Head of School Dr. Davis challenged our community at the beginning of the school year to Be the Difference. Our current families experience it daily and our new families quickly discover it. The SBS difference is intangible but always felt.
The second in a three-week series, we will hear from new SBS parent Kimberly Brown and her son Arrow ‘23 about what has stood out in their first semester at SBS.
Brown Family | Arrow Brown ‘23
SBS has only made Arrow better. Most importantly, and applicable in everything he does, Arrow is growing in his knowledge of Jesus Christ. Second Baptist School is truly preparing our son to THINK, LIVE and LEAD. It's not just a tagline. - Kim Brown
What led you to apply to SBS?
A family friend who we had known for some time casually introduced us to Second Baptist School. Initially, we saw the introduction to SBS as just that, an introduction. However, after visiting and meeting the SBS admissions team, we knew that this opportunity was too good to pass by. Their emphasis on character building, preparing kids with foundational skills for adulthood and the sound application of Christian values was refreshing. Our once casual inquiry has become a blessing for our family!
How was the transition to SBS for your family?
In all transparency, the lack of students who looked like mine was initially concerning. But how can the school increase its diversity if great kids and families like ours are deterred simply because of the current status? The conversations were difficult, but we saw the genuine care SBS staff showed. We also understood the opportunities and the community SBS would provide.
At first, the transition was a little uncomfortable for Arrow. As an incoming junior, we were asking him to leave not only his high school but also his community of friends. Our family transition was made easier by the supportive SBS community, which welcomed our family with open arms and made us feel like we were part of something bigger. It was the SBS family of parents, teachers and students who were instrumental in helping to make the transition memorable and rewarding.
Fellow SBS mom Becca Schwinger was also, unknowingly to her, instrumental in putting my mind at ease that I made the right decision in transferring my son to Second. Her address during Convocation on the first day of school spoke directly to me; I know that was God's confirmation. Becca has been nothing but pleasant, kind, and helpful ever since!
What differences have you noticed in coming to SBS?
Kim Brown: Since transferring to SBS, we have witnessed Arrow’s growth not only academically and socially, but also spiritually. Our family has always been led by faith. Seeing how Arrow’s faith has grown is amazing. Academically, Arrow has become more focused and determined. He was in the gifted and talented program and later honors classes in our public school district, with average effort. Second Baptist School’s academic rigor has sharpened the skills he will need in college including time management, improved study habits and utilizing additional resources when needed.
Arrow Brown ‘23: What I like best about SBS is the family community. It’s a small environment, so everyone knows and cares for each other. It is a really warm and welcoming place. People will love on you like you’re one of their own. SBS also enhances my Christian values through daily Bible class and weekly Chapel. Being surrounded by the Word this much has benefited my faith.
Have any faculty or staff stood out to your family in this first semester?
Kim Brown: Right before finals, Arrow was diagnosed with COVID. Our family was devastated by the news of Arrow’s diagnosis and concerned with how Arrow’s absence would impact his finals and semester. When we reached out to his teachers, they were so supportive, which lessened our family's anxiety. Both Upper School Counselor Samantha Morris and Head of Upper School Jon Konzelman stayed in communication with us throughout the process. Everyone's genuine care for Arrow and his health served to validate that being a member of the SBS community is special.
Arrow Brown ‘23: It’s hard to choose one person because everyone at SBS is so caring and kind. Everyone wants you to succeed and thrive. All the teachers and staff want the best for you now and for your future.
Can you share a highlight or special moment from your first semester at SBS?
The true spirit of SBS is exemplified in its athletics community. Football has always been one of Arrow’s passions. However, what he experienced playing football at SBS went beyond athletic engagement. The relationships built with coaches and teammates served as a change agent this year. We watched Arrow go from not knowing if he wanted to play football to playing in Waco for the state championship!
A very special moment for me this semester was a simple statement a female student made, saying, "Mrs. Brown, we love Arrow. He's so funny! He makes SBS more fun." Though a simple thing to say, I immediately felt joy and gratitude to God. I was happy God brought us to a place where my son is comfortable to be himself, bring joy to those in his presence and to have a positive influence with his peers. What more could a parent ask for?