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Middle School Service Day

Middle School Service Day

The culminating event of middle school In Focus is Middle School Service Day. This year for Middle School Service Day, our middle schoolers served at Vosswood, Agape Ministries, The Forge Family Ministries, Star of Hope and packed lunches for Kids’ Meals.

Fifth grade students served our nearby Vosswood residents by playing games and presenting Scripture. In addition, students served Second Baptist Church through Kids’ Meals, a branch of Meals on Wheels for preschool children. They packed 700 lunches for children in need.

Sixth grade students served at Agape Ministries, led by SBS alumnus Kirk ‘96 and Amanda Craig ‘96. Students helped complete various projects at this community center that serves Houston's Third Ward. Students spent the majority of the day outside and made improvements to their playground, landscaping and other areas of the center.

Seventh grade students served at The Forge Family Ministries. They completed various projects at this community center that serves Houston's Third Ward.

Eighth grade students served at one of Houston's shelters, Star of Hope. Their projects involved cleaning, landscaping, washing vehicles, writing notes of encouragement and creating care packages and crafts for the facility. At the conclusion of their service, students received a tour of the facility and participated in a devotional time.

According to Olivia Smith ‘24, “Middle School Service Day was so much fun. I really enjoyed the entire day and it felt good to know we were helping out others. My favorite part of the day was the cleaning, my friends and I were singing Disney songs almost the entire time!”