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In Focus | Celebrate the Gospel

In Focus | Celebrate the Gospel

Each year, SBS middle school sets aside a week for In Focus, an event led by the Second Baptist Church youth team, to focus on the gospel message and draw students closer to Christ. 

Each day, fifth through eighth grade students gathered for fun games, grade-level competitions, meaningful worship and a purposeful message from Second Baptist Church youth pastor Nate Long. 

Pastor Long’s messages centered on the parable of the Good Samaritan. He emphasized that "head knowledge" of Jesus and scripture is not enough; they have to have "heart knowledge" by knowing Jesus and putting his teachings into action. “Though the Samaritan may have had very little head knowledge of Jesus or his teachings, he lived them out more than the religious elites that left the beaten man on the side of the road.” Pastor Long encouraged students to love Jesus enough to live out His teachings every day.

On Wednesday, students were invited to accept Christ as their personal savior. Twenty six students made the decision to either accept this call or to pursue initial baptism. What could be more worthy of celebration? The week closed with the entire middle school gathered in the Voss parking lot for a full-on extravaganza, complete with inflatable obstacle courses, music, ice cream, games and fellowship.

Middle School Assistant Head Craig Brockhan said, “Praise God for the work he has done in the hearts of these students.” He recognized the partnership of teachers, saying they are the “hands and feet of Christ at SBS,” and their work is producing eternal fruit. 
In Focus 2024 will be a week to be remembered as the Gospel message was delivered, received and celebrated in big ways!