Go Big Blue!
Second Baptist School was abuzz with school pride and spirit as football season launched last Friday, September 25. A game day rally was held on the football field where football players, Eagle band, the cheerleaders and Golden Girls, along with SBS seniors and juniors decked in western gear, gathered together to celebrate the return of football season, generating renewed energy and enthusiasm on our campus.
Director of Athletics Mike Walker shares, “What a thrill it is to have football back on the campus of SBS. There is something really special about this school, and it was on display Friday night. It was a great effort by an army of staff and volunteers who did their part to maintain excellence at every point. Our football players, dancers, cheerleaders and band members performed at a high level, but it was especially rewarding to see our community come together and enjoy the company of other SBS families. In a time when nothing is certain and everything takes a bit more planning, I am thankful for this school's ability to push forward and provide athletic opportunities for students.”
Despite the obvious changes made to ensure keep COVID protocols in place, the feeling of school spirit and the Friday night lights brought a sense of normalcy, comfort and shared joy.
Keep reading to hear from more of our coaches, faculty and students about the launch of football season!
It was so nice to be able to go to the game this week; it brought a sense of normalcy after all that has happened. The band students were so looking forward to playing at the pep rallies and games, and we all had a fun time doing our part on Friday. We have the best students and parents at SBS; the students worked hard to learn their music and the parents showed up in support. There is just something about being able to perform at the game that is so good for our students and for our school and team.
Kendel Hickenbottom, Director of Instrumental Music
I am very proud of our team. Calhoun was ranked #4 in UIL Division 1 4A and probably one of the toughest opponents our school has faced. We learned a lot about ourselves, and in the long run, this will be a very beneficial game for our program. We had many bright spots on Friday, and we have a lot we can work on together to reach our goals.
Terry Pirtle, Head Football Coach
I couldn't be more proud of how the Golden Girls performed and cheered on our Eagles at the first game day rally and home football game of the season. This year certainly looks different, but that didn't affect the team's attitude in the least. They were just happy to perform and spend time together! Though we didn't exactly get the outcome we hoped for at the game, the Golden Girls experienced a truly memorable evening. They've been working hard for months to prepare for games like last week's, and it paid off. I was so impressed by their energy on the sidelines and precision during halftime. This team has got a full year ahead of them, and I can't wait to see how successful they will be!
Madelyn Whitehead, Golden Girls Coach
The varsity cheer team was nothing but smiles and enthusiasm on game day! We started the day by introducing our junior and senior classes to our new pre-game show with the talented Golden Girls at the game day rally. Later that night, it felt great to be back on the sidelines cheering on the Eagle football team. Cheerleaders led a strong halftime performance hitting all three elite liberty stunts. This year we feel blessed to have the opportunity to cheer for our Eagles, and we are grateful for Friday nights when we get to come together as one big SBS family. Go Big Blue!
Andrea Spence, Cheer Coach
It felt great to be back playing football. My last snap was November 15, 2019, and I can’t explain how blessed I am to be able to get back on the field with this group of guys.
Finn Nicholson ‘21, Football Captain
Although it was very different from years past, it was so great to start football season back up again. I loved getting to combine Golden Girls and cheer to dance together and hype up the crowd at the game day rally. At the game, it was great to be back to something that felt normal again, and after two months of practicing, it was exciting to be able to perform for an actual audience again and reep the rewards of the hard work we have been putting in as a team.
Lauryn Edwards '21, Golden Girls Captain
The game day rally was a really fun experience that I am excited to continue for the rest of the season! It felt so good to be able to get back out there and cheer on the Eagles. There was a large turnout of fans and I loved seeing everyone together again!
Emma Gunn ‘21, Senior Cheer Captain
The game day rally and football game were exciting; it was like we were approaching a ‘new normal’ and learning how to engage in positive school spirit in a challenging and new environment.
Ryan Gamble ‘22, Eagle Band
I really enjoyed playing with the band during the game day rally and football game. It was a great experience to play with the band again.
Will Echols ‘22, Eagle Band