Eagle Eye News
Fourth grade students are the leaders of lower school, and they take this role seriously. Fourth graders have the privilege and responsibility as role models for the younger lower school students through jobs like leading Chapel, introducing pledges and serving as prayer partners to younger students.
With technology teacher Ashleigh Manion, fourth graders have another leadership opportunity. Each week, students meet during their lunchtime to read and record the Eagle Eye News. Using a green screen, scripts and video, they work with Mrs. Manion to create a news segment to share with lower school. In Eagle Eye News, shown each morning, they lead pledges, give school news and read the daily cafeteria menu.
Mrs. Manion explains, “The purpose of Eagle Eye News is to provide a leadership opportunity for fourth grade students during their last year in lower school.” She continues, “Seeing fourth grade students share the news each day helps students and families stay plugged into the school community.”
Furthermore, when recording Eagle Eye News, students apply knowledge in a real-world situation. They learn the importance of oral presentation to relay information to others, practicing public speaking skills and reading from a script. Mrs. Manion also models for them how video can be edited to cut out mispronunciations and to streamline the communication. And more than that, students have a lot of fun participating in this project! The filming process is full of laughter.
Serving in Chapel and recording video announcements for the entire lower school takes courage, leadership and joy-filled hearts. Our fourth graders lead courageously in lower school!
Lower school parents - check out Eagle Eye News videos, posted weekly to Class of pages.