Hello SBS! I am Cameron Kelley ‘22, a current junior in upper school, varsity cheerleader, varsity soccer player, honors choir member, big sister, pasta lover and the Communications Fellow for this school year! I enjoy reading, writing, creating and challenging myself. I entered Second Baptist School as a wide-eyed sixth grader in my new uniform, and will graduate in the spring of 2022 with the hope that I used my position this year to capture the essence of life at SBS, utilizing media to create unity, inspire passion and build spirit! #CreateInspireBuild
I applied for the Communications Fellow position because I felt driven to make a difference in my SBS community; I want to make a lasting impact on my school that will cascade down to future generations. Growing up in a digital age instilled in me a natural savviness in cybernated sources such as Instagram and provided me with a comprehensive knowledge of graphic design. Through my position as Communications Fellow, I plan to expound on my passion for the SBS community, hone in my creative writing expertise under the mentorship of the SBS communications team and inspire involvement and fervor for our school.
Motivational Monday
Collaborating with the communications team has offered me the opportunity to make several key changes to the @secondbapstistschool Instagram recently, creating an online presence reflective of the core beliefs SBS represents and showcasing our Christ-centered community. My first priority is transforming Motivational Monday posts to have a more meaningful impact, attempting to reach a broader audience through the creation of weekly 60-second devotional videos. Within the short video, a follower can witness a friend, student, teacher or administrator share an uplifting message, verse and challenge for the rest of the week based on the theme of the month. Themes this year include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, thankfulness and self-control. Through interactive Instagram stories, including questions and polls, we emphasize the specific theme of the month and elicit viewers to think deeper on that subject, hoping to motivate them to focus on the portrayal of this trait in their everyday lives. This interaction ultimately inspires more unity, passion and spirit for our school.
Student Spotlight
Another initiative I developed through my role is the #StudentSpotlight Instagram takeover. I envisioned the concept as a fun opportunity for students to promote their various endeavors and, in return, acknowledge them for their connectivity within our school. I hoped this could be a tool to ingratiate younger students with upperclassmen, giving underclassmen a sense of familiarity with leaders in our student body, making them more likely to reach out and interact! My fundamental goal was to evoke a smile in spectators and highlight the average, yet extraordinary day of a student at Second Baptist School, celebrating the individual student as a collective student body. Already, these takeover posts have led to increased engagement on our @secondbaptistschool Instagram.
Social Media Excellence
I believe, done well, social media has the potential to provide an incredible space to encourage, uplift, promote and share. My goal is to use the school’s social media to bring together the Second Baptist School community. Through posts tailored toward students and student life, I am attempting to elicit more involvement and excitement about happenings at school. In the wake of a global pandemic, the utilization of media is necessary to connect with those who may not be able to attend events or school in person, allowing everyone in our community to have a superb experience, whether on- or off-campus.
I look forward to the inspiration yet to come, the memories yet to be made, and the embracing of new challenges and opportunities we are yet to face. Together we will create unity and build spirit, and together we will inspire passion. I love my school and I cannot wait to see all that we accomplish together this year. I view the Office of Communications as a group of wonderful people with the unique opportunity to champion Second Baptist School as a modern and technologically advanced school that remains current and accessible to future generations of students. I am overjoyed and grateful to drive this movement.